How to make Cannabis butter

It’s the king of cannabis recipes when it comes to cannabis butter! Cannabis butter is a simple and incredibly adaptable edible cannabis that works well in nearly any dish!

This culinary medium’s adaptability and personal preference make it the most widely used cannabis-infused ingredient ever!

If you’ve never made edibles before, Cannabis Butter is among your finest possibilities. Any recipe calls for cannabis butter instead of actual butter! Its shelf life is also excellent, since it keeps well for weeks in the refrigerator. We use cannabis butter in most of the culinary dishes we publish on this website.

You may purchase edible cannabis from a number of websites and dispensaries, but is that really fun? There’s a certain something about creating your own edibles, especially when they come out beautifully! This is our in-depth guide for novices on making cannabis butter.

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Let’s begin

You can use ground-up cannabis, kief, cannabis trim, or all three! The potency of the butter will depend on the potency of the cannabis you are using.


  • 1 Cup Butter
  • 7-14 Grams Cannabis *The more cannabis you use, the more potent it will be.


  • Oven
  • Double boiler
  • Baking Tray
  • Parchment Paper
  • Strainer
  • Cheesecloth *Optional
  • Hemp Cord or Cooking Twine *Optional

Just a heads up

LĒVO is a faster way to do the process if you are worried about smell or limited with time. Click here to see if this is something you might want. They also carry the gummy maker. LĒVO INFUSION AS EASY AS MAKING COFFEE: The only appliance that lets you infuse any herb into just about anything (think oil, butter, honey, vegetable glycerin, and more!) at the touch of a button. Just load it up, press some buttons, and dispense infused magic that you can use in any recipe!


  • Grind up your cannabis and spread it out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to decarboxylate. Bake at 240 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes.
  • Water should be added to the double boiler’s bottom until the level reaches the bowl’s bottom. Begin to boil.
  • Once boiling, turn the heat on low and add the butter. After the butter has melted, add your cannabis to the butter.
  • You will need to let this cook on low for 2 to 3 hours, stirring every 15 minutes or so.
  • After 2 to 3 hours take it off the heat and let cool. Place the strainer/ cheesecloth over a container and pour cannabis butter through it. Let gravity drain out all butter.
  • Put the container in the fridge until the butter hardens and cools down.
  • Optional *Reheat butter once more and strain into a new clean container. This ensures there are no impurities or plant matter.*

One crucial element to consider is the potency of your cannabis butter. Everybody will have a different dosage and preference. These are really basic recommendations meant to assist novices who are attempting it for the first time.

I would advise consuming no more than 20 to 40 mg of THC each serving if you’re new to cannabis. Not to mention that it can be challenging to dose edible cannabis for the first time.

If you’ve used cannabis before but haven’t tried edibles, we advise starting with 25–50 mg of THC per serving and adjusting as needed. You’ll be able to identify your preference and sweet spot in this way!

Happy buttering

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